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Anna Ghisolfi

Created with Sketch. Piazzetta Giulia, 1, Tortona, AL, Italy - Restaurants - €€€

‘I am romantic and practical, I believe in the need to interpret each ingredient to its full potential. This translates into breaking down each component and its structure, reinventing its elements as single part of the dish, maintaining its own unique dignity. This way, what may seem like humble food, becomes essential. It is a way to reinvent from the start, elements that one would discard without giving it a second thought’.

Anna Ghisolfi entrance is austere, clean and essential, just like the brick building that features her restaurant. A 1500 oratory built in Tortona’s Via Giulia that was deconsecrated during the Second World War. When you enter the restaurant, a single nave where kitchen and dining hall merge allow you to experience a unique, engaging atmosphere. Here you will see Anna at work. The ‘back of the house’ alternates with the ‘back of the house’ , so to provide the customers with precise information on every dish. A unique sensory experience, made up of memories and elegant aromas, a magic experience that you will never forget.

What’s on the menu.

The menu itself sets the pace. To start, some special but simple samples. To follow, our land: some menu suggestions expression of our local traditions. Therefore, the dish of the day, vary depending on the season and on the availability of the ingredients that are inspired by the daily offer of the stalls in the local market. To finish: a not too sweet dessert.

On Sundays the restaurant offers ‘the Italian brunch’: a savory and sweet selection as well as an à la carte menu are available.

Chef's specials


Small braised beef filled dumplings, with a braised beef sauce and Barbera drops

Cauliflowers & stuffed potatoes

Small stuffed potatoes, cauliflower powder, fried potatoes peel

Montebore ice cream

Salad, blackcurrant, soaked poppy buds, rose petals and Montebore ice cream

Chocolate and raspberry

Chocolate in three consistencies: liquid, foamy, and iced. Raspberry in three interpretations: jelly, slushie and fresh

Opening hours



12 - 14:30
19:30 - 22

12 - 14:30
19:30 - 22

12 - 14:30
19:30 - 22

12 - 14:30
19:30 - 22

12 - 14:30
19:30 - 22


À la carte menu
Fish dishes
Ideal for couples
Meat dishes
Pet Allowed
Piatti per Vegetariani
Posti all’aperto
We speak: Italiano, English, Français, Deutsch, Español, Pyccкий
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Created with Sketch. Piazzetta Giulia, 1, Tortona, AL, Italy
Created with Sketch.


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