Quarto Piemonte is the result of the passionate and determined brainstorming of a group of local entrepreneurs and professionals that, despite coming from different backgrounds, about a year ago, shared a dream: enhance a not so well known land  that has so much to offer.

The land that some of them left to go to work far away, where others decided to stubbornly remain and others again chose as a place to live  although it wasn’t their birthplace.

How? By creating a new straightforward and intuitive portal , that allows all the travellers with a passion for a ‘slow’ tourism to discover Quarto Piemonte in the easiest and nicest way. Not a traditional travel agency, but an innovative web based platform, where you can book the most welcoming bed and breakfast, a  typical restaurant and the right event to experience the territory to the fullest, creating unique and tailored itineraries.

A simple idea created for those who are not satisfied with a standard holiday but who are looking for a precious tip from those who know these places well and want to select the best products and services. It is also an ambitious idea, created by those who strongly believe in tourism as the best possible and most sustainable tool to improve this area of Piemonte while avoiding the depopulation of its most isolated areas.

A just and natural way to allow  the younger generations to stay and live in the houses and lands where their grandparents grew up.

Quarto Piemonte was created this way.

Why did we choose this name? This is another story and we will tell you some other time.